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The  strong connections Armagh Theatre Group have with Armagh Art Club have never been more secure than through the very talented Marie Claire Guy.

Over the years this double-jobber has pushed the boundaires of her undeniable talents on the boards and canvases of stage and easel with consummate ease.

Her artistic talents and those of other wonderfully talented Art Club members can be seen in the picturesque surroundings of Benburb Priory. 

As an additional treat you will be visiting the famous heritage museum, just above the restaurant, where the exhibition takes place.

Afterwards stroll through the historic surroundings to the Blackwater river falls or have a coffee in the courtyard. Now, there's your day sorted!

We are saddened to hear of the recent passing of our lifelong member Bill Rennie this week. Bill was an integeral part of Armagh society and an active member of various sporting clubs and choirs in the city. Always willing to play walk-on parts with the Theatre Group's productions his helping hand back stage and building sets was given with a heart and a half.

Our heartfelt condolences  are extended to Emily his wife, son Andrew and daughter-in law Monique (both active members  of  ATG) , also his daughters Patricia and Alison and all the family.

. From the committee and members of Armagh Theatre Group, Bill will be sadly missed but held dear in our memories.

Funeral today Friday 13th at First Presbyterian Mall Armagh 2.30pm. Covid regulations apply.

One of the organisers of Flash Fiction Armagh is our ‘resident’ co-writer in Armagh Theatre Group, the brilliant Byddi Lee. The impact she has generated on the literary scene in Armagh since settling back home has been immense.
Flash Fiction Armagh equates to a pebble tossed in to a pond encouraging waves of new writers to drink of its inspiration and refresh our literary shores. DON’T MISS.

Flash Fiction @ Armagh Cider Company

 Armagh Cider Company

Come and listen to writers read their Flash Fiction. Highly entertaining, with a variety of stories to suit every palate and an opportunity to meet and mingle with new, emerging and well-established writers in the area and from further afield. Flash Fiction Armagh provides a platform for writers to experience immediate audience reaction to their work – a valuable resource for those who sit all day in a room by themselves writing. We encourage people to attend the event whether they write, read or prefer to listen. 

Details for writers on how to submit Flash Fiction for the event can be found here:
Book Now

This week sees the restoration of Abbey Lane Theatre's courtyard after an extended wait for the completion of the archaeological report.  Work to fill the trenches got underway last Friday and was finished in time for the August committee meeting to be held (Mon 2nd Aug) in our premises.

Keeping social distance and wearing masks the committee began the task of grant applications to help finance the extension plans and improve accessibility for all in Abbey Lane Theatre. Wish us luck!

Here  Aisling Kelly (trustee) shows her delight with the new courtyard. As Con Fucius (Monaghan philospher) was recorded saying 'the longest journey begins with one small  step then a skip and a jump'



From all of us in Armagh Theatre Group this BIG THANK YOU for making Six Angry Women very happy. 

Your unfailing support and encouraging comments during and after our performances  makes the efforts all worthwhile.

We will press on with our building plans with vigor....and blocks...and cement...and timber...and a good heating system...

To all the hard working cast, techies, front office and our inspirational director. On the eve of the World premier of Six Angry Women......   FREE link to 'Social Bubble Toil & Trouble'.

As we prepare for our third zoom play next month 'Six Angry Women' our second zoom production Social Bubble Toil & Trouble goes up on youtube for free viewing on the above link.


Social Bubble Toil & Trouble followed on from the success of Zoomeo & Juliet with both being well received by you, our loyal supporters. It was a daring adventure for the Armagh Theatre Group to go down the road of writing new plays,rehearsing and then performing live through zoom during lockdown year 2020.  A lot has been learnt on how to manage the technology, timing, freezing, lighting, muting and all hanging on an internet signal which can wander off at any time.

But undaunted we now prepare for our third on line, live production and a mixed sense of lunacy and pioneering bravado, which is essential in theatre, prevails. The show must go on.


Our determination is driven by our need to expand Abbey Lane Theatre and bring it into the 21st century. The costs of such are high for this amature group so you can find links on our website where donations can be accepted towards this extension.

We hope you enjoy the free links to Zoomeo & Juliet and Social Bubble Toil &Trouble and they whet your appetites to live view the world premier of Six Angry Women by Malachi Kelly, directed by Margery Quinn.

 MAY 6th, 7th & 8th 2021 Zoom links on our website and social media  pages. Enjoy!


The long awaited archaeological dig commenced on Thursday last and like Christmas

it was over before we knew it. Gold crowns,jewelery,and St Patrick's crozier unsurprisingly were missing but a green beer bottle, probably from Kirkers bottlers ex Dobbin St , was un earthed intact minus its contents. 

We now wait for the Arch report being presented and accepted by ABC planning  hopefully before next Christmas.



Some of those who attended a wonderful celebration dinner dance at the Charlemont Arms Hotel. A night to remember among a year of nights to remember. Hopefully the success of 2016 will continue into 2017 and onwards for the next 50years.

It seems such a long time since January 2020 and the first Open Mic of the year. The great Liz Weir, Antrim's world renowned storyteller and author was our guest and performed to a packed Abbey Lane. Things looked bright with other guests already booked for the coming months. ATG were planning 2 one act plays before Easter and rehearsals organised for our big production of 'Impact' in Market Place Theatre during June. Planning approval came through for the Abbey Lane extension. Just get the archaeological dig sorted and by late autumn we should be in our new theatre. This was going to be a BIG year for ATG.

Wuhan sounded like a character from Shakespeare and the virus in town was the annual winter flu...

March saw our theatre doors close, rehearsals stopped, performance dates cancelled or posponed. Sure a few months should do it, get behind the NHS, wash your hands...

Everyone found social media and zoom in their lives. Novel tools to communicate during this Lockdown. We posted answers to a memoirs questionaire by ATG members, others performed short sketches and some even donned hats and sang in their back garden . An audience of thousands had built up on Facebook so our 'in house writers' decided to script a play via Zoom and generate much needed funds. 

Zoomeo & Juliet, considered the first original, live performance play on Zoom in Ireland at the time, hit screens over the world in July. A success which was followed by Social Bubble Toil & Trouble in November. Present members were indeed keeping up the tradition within ATG to carry on regardless and provide our supporters with some welcomed lighthearted entertainment.

And so we approach Christmas in a year unlike any other in living memory. Hugs and kisses, get togethers, applause and laughter as rare as white crows on a holly tree.

But lets look forward to brighter warmer days, to the rolling out of a vaccine and rolling out the carpet welcoming, with hugs and kisses, our fabulous supporters into a reinvigorated Abbey Lane Theatre. The past is gone, the future tomorrow, so live for today.