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We are proud to announce the launch of our new venture Armagh Youth Theatre Group. All budding actors between ages 12-18 are encouraged to send us an expression of interest to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for registration  and further information on programme details. LIMITED NUMBERS for initial call up so if you are keen get on the ball!

Open Mic in Abbey Lane Theatre returned last night after hibernating for 26mts. One of the many entertainers was Harry Perrin from Rathfriland on the Hill who regaled us with great guitar picking and soft soulful singing. Harry kicked of a wonderful eclectic menu of poetry,stories,yarns, music and song for the next 2 hours. Thanks to all our participants and the appreciative audience who travelled in anticipation and left with ‘The buzz’ of experiencing Abbey Lane’s Open Mic again!
Entertainers; Tim Hanna,Mark Brownlee, Dymphna Ferran,Shaun Fitzpatrick,Daniel Corrigan,Malachi Kelly,Pat Prunty,Rachel Toner,Thomas Healy,Adam Trotter,Harry Perrin, Ann Gilmartin and Daniel finished with his rendition of Johnny Cash’s Cocaine Blues.
Photo: Harry Perrin

Below we have attached an invite for an Art Exhibition opening in The Armagh County Museum on Friday 29th April at 7pm.

You may be wondering why this should be significant and the reason why is because this is an exhibition which features a lovely collection of drawings, paintings and sculpture by a number of celebrated Armagh and Ulster artists that have lined the walls of James & Mary Lamb’s 1 Hartford Place home over the years. There are also a few works by their son Paddy and their granddaughter, Claire (both resident in Canada) and other pieces associated from their travels to Canada.

James & Mary’s contribution to ATG over the years is immense and they would be delighted to see familiar faces on the night. Paddy will give a short intro on the night and the exhibition will run until June 5th. If you would like to attend the opening please RSVP as per the email address on the attached invite.




Have you got your tickets yet? The last few for Saturday night's performance (5thMarch) are up for grabs as of today 25th Feb. So if you move quickly using the Eventbrite link below you will experience a moving, heartfelt and tender performance by Cathy Carson. 

Depicting  her character Danielle's life story from a child living with violience on her streets and in her home. To a young woman homeless on the streets of Belfast, who despite adversity, succeeds with the kindness of  a few to gain a vital foot hole and build a secure life. 

Cathy Carson is one of the most talented from our new wave of Spoken word performers coming to the fore in the last few years. A great friend of ATG, her choice of Abbey Lane Theatre to open her tour of 'Becoming Marvellous' is an honour....Don't Miss!

PAUL McAVINCHEY's  reminder to ATG members,

Dear Friends,

I draw your attention to the Irish Books Awards, voting for which closes at 5pm on Monday evening, 15 November.

I only voted for some for the sections, but I daw your attention to the Short Story Section.  Bernard Mac Laverty's  'Blackthorns', from his wonderful new short story collection, 'Blank Pages and other Stories', is on the list. (But there are two other writers in that Short Story section who have associations with JHISS in Armagh - Jan Carson and Stuart Neville!)

Two other nominated writers who were involved with JHS this year are Fiona Scarlett for her debut novel, 'Boys Don't Cry' and poet, Siobhán Campbell (Poem of the Year section). Siobhán was one of 3 poets featured in a memorable John Hewitt Birthday Reading in October.  And David Torrans's No Alibis Bookstore has been nominated for the Bookshop of the Year award.

​You may wish to vote for other awards! Here is the link:

With very best wishes


Our good friend Cathy Donnelly has asked to share this letter promoting BookWeek NI and help by recounting your fondest memories of our treasured public library in Market Street.

Dear Madam/ Sir

I would like to ask that the members of Armagh Theatre Group help staff at Armagh City Library to celebrate Book Week NI, 18th-24th October 2021.

Book Week NI is a key event in our calendar for promoting all that libraries do and the services they provide. As part of this year’s initiative we will have a ‘Love Your Library Day’ on Wednesday 20th October, where we hope to get members of the public tell us why they Love Armagh City Library; we will create a number of displays based on this.

We would be delighted if members of the Armagh Theatre Group could contribute to this day by letting us know why they Love Their Library – an ‘I Love My Library Because…’ postcard is attached.

We are also collecting memories of Armagh – the people, the town and the county – for our celebration of Life Stories for Book Week NI on Monday 18th October.
We would appreciate it if your members could take a few minutes to tell us about memorable, interesting and even just everyday memories they have of Armagh through the years.
We would also be grateful if they could tell us of any memories they have of Armagh City Library – maybe about how it has changed over time or the role it has played for them at the different stages of their lives. Please see the attached document which can be used to jot down any memories.

I could collect completed sheets next week at a time that is convenient to you or your members are very welcome to drop them in with us at the library.. We would use these contributions to create a dedicated section on our display for Armagh Theatre Group – we could also include pictures of performances by your members as part of this.

We are collecting memories of Armagh – the people, the town and the county – for our celebration of Life Stories as part of Book Week NI 18th -24th October 2021.

We would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to tell us about memorable, interesting and even just everyday memories you have of Armagh through the years.

We would also be grateful if you could tell us of any memories you have of Armagh City Library – maybe about how it has changed over time or the role it has played for you at the different stages of your life.

Thank you for helping us with this initiative.

Memories of Armagh – People, City and County

Memories of Armagh City Library.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Kind regards,




Our recent survey on the plans for Abbey Lane Theatre and ATG have resulted in encouraging responses from you. For your time offered

and considerations from so many respondence we give A BIG BIG...

In our  quest to develop  Abbey Lane Theatre we are asking you to give us 5 minutes of your time to fill out our Community Survey.

This 10 question survey will enhance our chance to secure essential grants to complete our ambitious plans to bring Abbey Lane into the 21'st century.

Please forward on to friends/family who you think will be interested in helping us.

Click on the link below to start and please complete asap as Grant deadline zooms! .




Thanking  you in advance,

Malachi Kelly

Armagh Theatre Group.

The cast,crew, producer and writer of our recent zoom play Six Angy Women met for the first time, off screen, in a sunny Loughgall Park recently for a well earned picnic. Surprisingly everyone had legs and looked younger and slimmer than on Zoom!

A table full of goodies evloved from baskets and bags, all of which was devoured over the course of an hour or two reminiscing.

Missing from the picnic Hilary Good (trapped in Donegal), Marie Claire Guy (still trapped in Crown Court).and Tim Hanna (trapped in a leg cast). We toasted the missing with teas,coffee and elderflower wine- absent but not forgotten.

Present Margery Quinn,director,Judge Gillian Faulkner, Wilma Campbell J1, Una Hendron J3, Bridie Heaney J4, Claudia Clenndenning J6, Techy and support Allan and Byddi Lee and writer/poet/set builder and all round handy man Malachi Kelly esq.

The death has occurred this week of Patrick Sheils, late of Launceston Tasmania and formerly of Russell St Armagh.

Paddy was a valuable member of ATG in the sixties and seventies before leaving us to work in Australia.

He was a gifted actor and a director, who had a guiding hand on our early workshops and productions in Jenny's Row and the City Hall.

Our sympathy to his wife Jill, his children Mary, Kate and Peter, and his sister Maire. May his gentle soul rest in peace.