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The first 3 lines from the page below are taken from what Irish writer's novel?



Hello everyone, hope you are all cocooned and keeping well.

As the Market Place Theatre has closed for the forseeable future and we were to commence rehearsals for our IMPACT play this week, circumstances has

meant postponing these performances.

We have been offered a new date, week of November 9th 2020 provisionally, and all ticket holders for the orginal dates will be informed by MPT.

Fingers crossed we all get through this summer fit and able to hit the stage with our customary vigor and passion at rehearsals in Sept.

More details nearer the time. Keep checking the website and send relevant  news/messages to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Best wishes to all.

Margery, Byddi,Tim and Malachi.


MARCH 14th 2020.

Our evenings of one act plays  for March and early April along with this month's Open Mic have fallen foul to the ongoing World health crisis.

In postponing the events Armagh Theatre Group recognises our community responsibilities at this difficult time.

We apologise to our loyal supporters but assure you that these performances will be staged at a later date and announced here on our website and social media pages.

All tickets pre-booked will be reimbursed. Thank you and,

Keep safe - keep smiling - keep washing your hands!

As the leading amature theatre group in Armagh area we have an opportunity for an Actor, approx 40 to 60 age groupto take part in a one act play written by Tennessee Williams. We are presenting this 3hander early APRIL in Abbey Lane Theatre Armagh  where rehearsals will be directed by Felim Rafferty.

Preferably an amature actor with stage experience, although enthusiam goes along way. If interested please email asap to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further info leaving contact details. Best wishes, ATG



Death Notice for Seamus Mallon
The Committee and Members Of Armagh Theatre Group deeply regret the death of Seamus Mallon our co-founder and long time friend. Without his foresight and drive for inclusivity we would not exist. He set a standard that we have been proud to maintain over the past 53 years. Deepest sympathy to his daughter Orla, son in law Mark, granddaughter Lara, sisters and entire family circle.
M.Rennie (Chairperson) M. Kelly (Secretaty)





You would have been forgiven in thinking you had stepped back in time as you entered Abbey Lane last Friday. Dozens of elegantly dressed ladies and gentlemen gathered to experience the first Georgian Dressed Open Mic Night as part of the Georgian Festival weekend in Armagh.

Our entertainment began on a youthful high as Mariann Mc Bride sang beautifully and then Lochlan McBride played Bach on the organ. A first for OMN and hopefully the start of many appearances to come from these talented siblings.

Byddi Lee written word on the dangers of double chocolate,Peter Kelly sang 'Arthur McBride' as a Christmas song with the aid of a real McBride.Pat Fairon recited Goldsmith (the most popular poet of Georgian Ireland), Alex King on 5 string banjo, Laurane Veron sang 'Amazing Grace' in her strong french accent and David Braziel christening his new work 'Sorry you were out' for its first airing . (this will be on our website shortly for you to experience, with kind permission from David.

Joe McCool poem and tin whistle,Tim Hanna, Bridie Heaney and Wilma Campbell 'Georgian Election',Malachi Kelly with a Georgian vision of 'Armagh and whatabout your Da' and followed by 'The boys from Co Armagh'. Dymphna Ferron more uncensored humour and verse, Ann Gilmartin story of the moonless dark winter on the Norfolk Broads;Claudia Clendenning singing Opera; a return of Peter on guitar and finally;

The Best dressed competition. The ladies section was won through a show of hands then a toss of a coin eventually by Laurane.  The Gents seen Malachi knocked into second place by some blatant gerrymandering which enabled Mervyn Dickson to squeeze home.

Well done to all participants and an audience who wholeheartedly got into the swing of Georgian fancy dress.

No Open Mic in December so next January 31st 2020!!!! Festive greeting to all and a happy Near Ear.

The Committee and members of Armagh Theatre Group are saddened to hear of the death of Jackie Murphy, our long time friend and Committee member. He was the spark that lit up so many of our productions with his technical skills and unique turn of phrase. We extend our deepest sympathy to Ann and to the family circle. .Jackie’s funeral service will take place tomorrow (Thur 6th ) in St Malachys Church 11am

  1. Rennie (Chairperson). M. Kelly (Secretary)

Jackie and Ann in happier times.


With regret Armagh Theatre Group have had to cancel the production of 'Bookworms' this November 21-23 in Market Place Theatre due to unforseen circumstances. We would like to apologise to all our faithful followers who have purchased tickets or were planning to attend on any of the evenings.

Those who have tickets can receive a refund from Market Place Theatre box office. Please call  028 3752 1821 for further information.

We will be continuing with our programme of events in Abbey Lane and next up is the fancy dress Georgian Festival Open Mic Night on the 29th. Tickets available from  'Visitarmagh' web site and go to Georgian Festival events for tickets via -ticketsolve- or at the door on the night. Competition prizes for best dressed PLUS all or usual freebees- AND STILL only £5 !

Once again a big crowd attended the Open Mic this October in Abbey Lane Theatre. Their anticipation of a great night's entertainment was more than satisfied as guest artists and contributors were in top form.

NJ McClean singer/songwriter started the evening with wonderful self penned songs accompanied by great guitar playing. Our second guest, the 16yr old poet from Portadown Anesu Mtowa, had the audience spell bound with her poetry highlighting her experiences as a young black girl growing up in Co Armagh. Her views on what Lifes' minorities have to face each day, through discrimination and hardships to survive, were clearly narrated. Both these artists deserve exposure and support for their talents.

From teenagers to nonagerians we were entertain with poetry, singing,storytelling,comedy and the written word. Donald McKenna celebrated is 90th year with a poem about reaching such a great age. Abbey Lane was in  stitches as  his wit and wordsmith skills are as sharp as ever. Diane Wynne's  poem 'Padraig Pearse';

Roy Uprichard opn the Camino de Santiago; Theo Sinson on guitar and singing Blues; Dymphna Ferran on jokes and her toyboy Fireman; Cathy Carson's written word stories 14th hour and Toast; teenager Sophie Ross with her orginal song 'Joy and Sorrow' on guitar; Kieran Quigley solo singing; Pat Farron remembered poems from his primary school days with John Vallely teacher ' what ever you say say nothing', Malachi's poem 'Women talk' on mental health and Peter Kelly finished the night with the old local halloween song 'My Aunt Jane'

Thank you to everyone who helped in any way to make this another memorable night. Our next night is the Georgian Festival Open Mic on 29th when we'll dress up in costume and wind back time  to 18th century. Prizes for best dressed audience participation on the night + all the usual extras. Seating will be at a premium and can be got via ABC council Gerogian Festival ticket events or at the door £5- 8pm start----GET THERE POST HASTE !




Set Dancing is recognised as a  great way to socialise and keep your body fit - but also exercise your mind. You can do all three every TUESDAY NIGHT 7.30-9pm in Dobbin Community Centre Armagh for a mere £5. Beginners and experienced dancers are very welcome to come along and try this fun way to tighten up all your 'bits and bobs', learn new moves and have a laugh. Gerry, our instructor, will be delighted to see you and walk you through the steps with the help of the class.

So you take the first steps to DOBBIN STREET COMMUNITY CENTRE, ARMAGH and we'll show you the rest------ For all- from teenagers up,

(and MEN especially welcome!)