Master of cermonies performed by members of the Adams Family Byddi and Rachel to a full house.
L to R Matthew Toner (Caller)|; Rosemary McCool stage manager; LauraRose McCool (Bean an Ti) Chloe Steenson (Daughter); Malcolm
Dawson (Narrator); and Malachi Kelly (Writer/director).
1) Cast take their bow 2) 'The house ob the hill?' 3) Mother and Daughter. OR at the door
But remember there will be limited seating...
Armagh Theatre Group’s next production is CHRISTMAS LIGHTS - A Bah Humbug Christmas, an original “modern” Pantomime written by the usual suspects, Tim Hanna, Byddi Lee & Malachi Kelly to be performed in Abbey Lane Theatre, Armagh on Thursday 5th, Friday 6th & Saturday 7th December at 8pm.
It is Christmas Eve in Armagh City. Intrepid Police Inspector O’Carol is in despair, confronted with an unprecedented spate of robberies and unexplained disappearances. Join him, and his reliable sidekick Sgt Pepper, as they weave a delicate path between reality and fantasy in their hilarious quest to bring the perpetrators to justice. You don’t want to miss it - OH NO YOU DON’T!
A cracker (get it?) cast, including Brian Devlin, Sarah Teggart, Niall Rusk, Gillian Faulkner, Bridie Heaney, Matthew Toner, Sophia Kelly, Laura McCool, Lily Rose Conway and Felim Rafferty, under the ever patient and creative direction of Margery Quinn, will guarantee a great night’s entertainment to kick off your Christmas festivities!
Whilst this production is aimed at an adult audience, it should be more than suitable for over 12’s. Tickets are now available at £15 each from TicketSource.
Just follow the link:-
Our second The second place winner of our Poetry Competition 30-3-100 Michael Kennedy receives his framed certificate from ATG chair Rachel Toner
at October's Open Mic. Michael's poem 'The Rag Bag' is below with comments from our judge David Braziel.
The Rag Bag
Summer gone, September sighing
I returned the deck chairs to their attic store
And came across the rag bag.
Overflowing with the fabric of our past
Wafting lavender laundered cotton and musk of work wear
Destined for a patchwork quilt; some day.
A strip of yellow linen bright and joyous
As the pregnancies it covered
A square of green torn from a hospital drape
That became a tiny shroud
An apron faded and thinned to the edge of function
The measure of care.
Surprised by the power these scraps contained
To stimulate emotion and memory
I continued the lucky dip
And one by one they told their story
A child’s gingham dress, an old school tie
A threadbare jumper repurposed as a cat bed
Orange corduroy and blue floral print spoke of new love
That square of woollen rug must still
Hold sun warmth and itch on naked skin
Overwhelmed, I left it to its bloated slumber
Descending again into the now, I pondered
Could that quilt ever be made ?
Our latest in house play for the festive period is 'CHRISTMAS LIGHTS'
Written by our smash hit team of writers Tim Hanna ,Byddi Lee and Malachi Kelly this dynamic trio
have once again raised the bar and produced a new take on panto season (adult style)!
You all remember the 'What's my Scam'2018 sketches; the 'Impact' play, 2019-23'; Our three zoom plays during Covid
(Zoomeo &Juliet- Social Bubble Toil and Trouble and Six Angry Women all still on youtube)20'-22'
And now in 2024 the trio have come together once again, at great personal cost to each, to delight and
entertain the wonderful people of Armagh in this soon to be Season of Goodwill.
Enthusiastic actors flocked to Abbey Lane for this historic reading and boy did they have a laugh!
As you can see below the camera never lies. They can hardly keep their faces straight while reading - but they did.
Tickets out soon for this side splitting pantotype fictional look at Armagh.
Full of do-goody fairytale characters fighting a complete lack of festive good cheer from our miserable city burghers.