So you want to show John Hewitt International Summer School and Armagh how wonderful a poet, singer, storyteller, writer, musician you really are. You have great material that you believe in!. Well this is your chance to shine and let your hair down after a week of invigorating conversations.
Abbey Lane Theatre hosts the above Open Mic Night each year in association with JHISS. Starting at 9pm on Friday 26th you can entertain in your own way for 5mins on stage under lights for a miserly £5 entrance. Nibbles and a glass of wine included for all who attend or also Bring Your Own Bottle.
Limited slots for performers those of you who wish to perform please email Malachi at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be put on the list
. Please state if you wish to perform poetry/prose,stories/ music, song or AN Other. If you need a theme we'll loosely follow the School's theme this year of Diffiuities of Translations (or 'getting the wrong end of the stick').
For directions Google- Abbey Lane Theatre Armagh (5 minute walk from Marketplace Theatre) and come along when your events are finished.