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This month's winner of the cash prize is Mary Jbara with her poem ' Under the Surface' and our Highly Commended certificate

recipient is Paula Craig with her entry 'Picture from the Past'. Both poets presented by our MC for the evening Rachel Toner.

Mary Jbara's entry 'Under the Surface' 


Paula Craig's Highly Commended entry 

'Picture from the Past'

Picture From the Past

I found a picture from the past on paper creased and curled,

Faces fixed in amber watch from another world.

Beribboned little girls donning aprons freshly starched,

Dwell deep in dusty drawer, unaware how time has marched.

Sweet smiling seraph, Sophie; you’d reached the age of four,

I knew from family folklore, you’d see not one year more.

Throughout my childhood days, your name was hushed when spoken,

A spirit infant born with a heart already broken.

If ever proof was needed of how swifty decades pass,

Is my father’s mother captured as a vibrant, lustrous lass.

No forehead etched with worry or hair of mottled white,

But lithely limbed and flaxen with eyes that glittered bright.

It had never come to mind that she could have been so young,

A fragrant, worthy rival of the flowers she stood among.

Seated on a bench beneath the willow-shaded garden,

Grim Victorian parents, that time forgot to pardon.

Him with handlebar moustache; stiff stare and sombre suit,

Her with lace about the throat and polished, button boot.

Scarcely did they know about the wars that darkly loomed,

This steely, stoic couple were a generation doomed.

Studying this old snapshot marred with age and stain,

Forsaken in a cabinet, yet it’s where I got my name,

I think that I am feeling or the conclusion that I’m drawing,

There is something atavistic, that is in us, always gnawing.

It only takes a prompt – the surface to be scratched,

To unveil our gems of history, time had safely stashed.


The 30-3-30 Poetry Competition Themes for June's OMN

1) The Spice if Life

2) Life Before Technology

3)On Shakey Ground .

Usual rules apply ; Maximum of 30 lines ;3 themes, choose one or all; £30 cash prize  30-3-30 

Send your entries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with all poems titled and  as an attachment in the email. Your name ONLY

in the body of the email .  Deadline for entries June 23rd midnight. Attendence at the Open Mic on 28th is requested if shortlisted.

Those shortlisted will be informed by email on Mon 24th. Judges decisions are final. We wish you all the best with your entries.