Inspiration for a poem can strike anytime, anywhere and the appearance of a butterfly at our OMNight in a baltic February triggered two such odes. Coming down from the rafters for the heat of the spotlights Mother nature's entertainer stole the show from us fumbling humans.
The Intruder
by B. Rodney
A butterfly appeared tonight
in the middle of a song, and fluttered
fleetingly into the beat.
I watched its struggle to find the light
that it might land and feel safe for a while.
And I imagined that's
what we had in common, that winged
intruder and I- flopping fearlessly,
fearfully searching for a sanctuary..
And then I got distracted by
a poem, or was it a story? A tale?
Yes, a tall tale.
Open Mic Flight
by M Kelly
February flutters by,
In winter's grasp
A butterfly
Lent a glimpse of summer's heat
A welcome unseasonal treat
To an audience appreciating art
While Mother Nature tears apart
Any challenge, provide we might
To her, poetry, her song, her flight.